A new dawn in the fashion industry as the ‘Fashion Design and Textiles Association Sierra Leone’ officially launched

Freetown | 15th June 2024 | Vertex Media

Leaders in the fashion design and textiles industry in Sierra Leone converged at the residence of the British High Commissioner in Freetown for the grand launch of an umbrella association, the ‘FASHION DESIGN AND TEXTILES ASSOCIATION SIERRA LEONE’ (FD&T). The event brought together industry experts and enthusiasts in unveiling a new convergence of designers in the country.

The launch was supported by Invest Salone and the British High Commission in Sierra Leone.

Lisa Chesney, the British High Commissioner to Sierra Leone, expressed her excitement for the leadership and efforts to grow the industry. Which she believes helps promote the Sierra Leonean identity.

Her Excellency was happy to join Invest Salone in celebrating the launch of the new association, FD&T.

“We are here today to celebrate Sierra Leone’s growing fashion, design, and textiles expertise…”
“I celebrate the work that you do. It really excites me.”

A representative from the Local Content Policy office underscored the importance of the sector in promoting the image, brand, and identity of Sierra Leone. She believes that they can promote the positive images of Sierra Leone through their designs.

The President of FD&T, Frederica Williams, took the audience through the journey of FD&T, its challenges, potentials, and its future in a wonderful powerpoint presentation.

The event also included a panel discussion where they elaborated on collaboration, positive competition, quality production, creativity, training of young people, and creating new markets.

A member of the association, Jenneh Amara Bangali, announced FD&T’s first 100 days plans during the panel discussion, including incorporating and registering new members, and conducting training programs, among others.

Climaxing the launch was the showcase of glamorous fabrics at a pop-up window store at the Commissioner’s residence, where guests were entreated to a new taste of fashion.

Ibrahim Sorious Samura

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