BREAKING NEWS: DJ Lawva to be declared ‘unopposed’ SLeDU President on December 19th 2020

Freetown | 4th December 2020 | Vertex Media

According to a public notice from the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) of the Sierra Leone DJs Union (SLeDU), Samuel Leverse aka DJ Lawva (of Radio Democracy) will be declared President of SLeDU on the 19th December 2020 at the Karina Complex, Kenema City. This follows the failure of the other aspirant – Ezekiel Charles aka DJ Zyco to comply with the nomination protocols, hence, leaving DJ Lawva as the only qualified aspirant for this important office.

Read the public notice from IEC below:


From The Office of the Chairman of IEC

“The public is hereby informed that the Independent Election Committee (IEC) of the Sierra Leone DJs Union (SLeDU) after the nomination processes have come to an end and after several meetings with aspirants for the forthcoming elections, the IEC is announcing that the election will go unoppose.”

“IEC also want to inform the public that only Samuel Laverse (DJ Lawva) and his Team were able to fulfil the nomination requirements. The other aspirant Ezekiel Charles (DJ Zyco) and his Team failed to comply with nomination protocols.”

“The IEC want to further inform the public that the declaration of DJ Lawva as President and the rest of the Executive will be done at Karima Complex, Kenema on 19th December 2020.”

“IEC wants to also inform the public that in as much as the election has been projected to be unoppose, there is not going to be any campaign and any casting of votes.”

Signed: Chernor Sankara – Chairman IEC SLEDU

Samuel Leverse aka DJ Lawva

Samuel Leverse and his team would be declared executive members of the union, including Ibrahim Koroma popularly known as DJ Prezo, who is aspiring for the position of Secretary General.

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