‘Going back to school after having 2 kids’ – the story of Martha

Growing up with her single mother in the hilly-suburbs of Freetown, Sierra Leone, Martha felt the pains of growing up being poor. Because of her poor family background, Martha struggled to further her education as a teenager. She shortly became pregnant after she took the Basic Education Certificate Examination (B.E.C.E) in 2010.

However, Martha’s intentions for an early return to school, proved futile. Martha and her partner had no adequate knowledge about family planning and the use of contraceptives, she eventually got pregnant two years later. This shattered her plans of going back to school.

At this point, she decided to marry her spouse and continuing living as husband and wife. Raising two kids was already a challenge for a young and unsettled family. It was also certain that the couple would eventually have a third child soon.

Fortunately for Martha, an old school friend Agnes visited her on one fateful day and surprisingly found out that Martha had left school and she’s now a mother of 2 children. Knowing Martha’s passion for education, Agnes initiated a discussion about family planning. She explained how she found out about an online platform (www.findmymethod.org) that provides credible information about reproductive health and the use of contraceptives. “Through ‘Find My Method’, I’m living a happy and healthy life. I’m able to navigate between sex and my lifestyle, without fear of being pregnant,” Agnes explains. 

Ever since Martha started getting vital information on reproductive health, she has always been happy and the fear of being pregnant was no more an issue. This has allowed her to continue her schooling and happily raise their 2 kids. More other young girls have also been introduced to www.findmymethod.org.

From Martha’s situation, it was clear that she wouldn’t have dropped out of school if she had come across Find My Method earlier, it was also clear that Find My has played an important role in her life, as she was able to return to school while she was married and raising 2 kids.

You might be a Martha in your community. You might know a Martha in your community. Help her get important information and resources on representative health and use of contraceptives from


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