Football star, Buya Turay suspends his humanitarian work as he sustains attacks from the media

Freetown | 4th August 2021 | Vertex Media

Sierra Leone’s international football star, who trades his professional career in China has suspended his usual philanthropy and humanitarian work over attacks he allegedly received from journalists and some other quarters of the public. Mohamed Buya Turay made this disclosure on Facebook on Wednesday where he vented out his frustrations.

According to Buya, certain journalist have been questioning his closed friends and relatives whether he is looking for public attentions in his humanitarian works or charities. And he revealed that these “negative rumours” are affecting him a lot.

“Hello my people,it’s been a while though. Since I started helping the needy people in my country I’ve hearing negative rumors about me and it has been affecting me a lot.”

“There are so called journalists asking questions to close friends about me, Like he is doing this to be recognized by the whole people so far in Sierra Leone today.”

Buya furthered that they mistook his goodwill to that of one that looks for recognition, fame or for something in return. He also alleged that he is been accused of paying bloggers to blog about his charities, all of which he denied, saying that he is doing it for the sake of God. “I believe in humanity and also because I have the resources,” he added.

For these alleged attacks and rumours, Buya has decided to stop his humanitarian work. He will now divert his funds to his personal projects.

“I want to see people happy and also help those who are in need,but because of all the negative thoughts and rumors I will stop donating to the public instead use the resources on my projects from now on.”

Before this time, the striker is s a renowned supporter of many Sierra Leoneans facing health and social problems over the past years. Many of his followers express disappointments over this latest development and many are encouraging him to continue his charity work regardless of the alleged rumours and media attacks. Will Buya change his mind and reverse his decision?


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