“Please do not come at me for details, I owe no one proof or details” – alleged rape victim wrote on Facebook

Statement from Rachel Kay, the alleged victim.

“Salone sister, I pray u never get to be put down for picking integrity over selling yourself short. May u never be in a position where giving in is your only option cos u wouldn’t be able to do without the help u get, or where people would ask for video proof of an unexpected situation before they can believe you, where other sisters come down on u with every insult in the book for walking away from an uncomfortable situation. Where u feel like sleeping with a “legend” or celebrity is your greatest achievement.”

“May u never be in a position where being taken advantage of is so normal that u get ripped apart for doing the right thing, which is knowing your worth and keeping your legs closed. If u really know me, u know I got thick skin so this too shall pass, I work 14-16 hour days to make sure I afford my charity work and stay in this country every year for over 4 years now, y’all living abroad know how stressful it is out there so coming here is something we all look forward to, to relax,
take care of business and spend time with family so this commotion within my first week of arrival is beyond my wildest imagination.

“NO MAN has ever sponsored any of my trips or stay in this country, I am very intentional about being independent so I never find myself in compromising situations, so I would be damned if I stay in a place I was trying to patronize and felt uncomfortable. I am not dating, never dated or ever met the man in question prior to renting from him. I was introduced to him by a friend I respect dearly so I had no reasons to speculate, judge or be paranoid about him. I reside in one of the most peaceful/respectful countries in the world so I get to get away to a place where the worth of a woman is known and celebrated, when this is all said and done. But the most heart breaking part is seeing how this is normal to so many women in my home Salone, to see how sisters can crack jokes at the expense of not just me but so many others coming forward with their stories.”

“I never intended for this to get out like this, Cos by now I know what Salone people are capable of and their mentality, but the person that did it is protective of women, his fiancé, his daughter and people in his life so he did what he had to do and he is a hero if u ask me. I love my Sierra Leone beyond words and this bump in the road or assumptions from total strangers will never discourage my plans in this country, so help me

“I could hop on the next flight and run even though I did nothing wrong but this is home so whatever happens happens. To those that have respected me enough to genuinely and consistently stand up for me and reach out to check on my well being instead of judging Cos they see me on fb I appreciate u. Those that know my track record know how I carry myself and who can have access to me or come in my personal space as a woman. To everyone else throwing stones, building stories, Cos some sisters have made it easy for y’all to behave less than men, may you or your family member or children never find yourself in a position like this.”

“Morris u already know how I feel about you, you promised to always protect me as a friend/sister in this country where I don’t know much about and u did just that when I came crying to you. Thank you for always being a stand up guy in my life. I am sorry about any strains this has caused with u and wifey or anyone else, you are the definition of a real man/friend and I appreciate u. This is all I will ever have to say about this, for all the sisters that have come forward, it is very sad and unfortunate, I feel you, I see you, I believe u Cos I experienced it.”

“Please do not come at me for details, I owe no one proof or details. The law can take up on the other victims,God is the only lawyer/judge I need here and he has every detail of the stay in question. I am here for charity work, family, fun and a peace of mind I am clearly not the first and wouldn’t be the last woman to go through it. I got out, I am ok and life goes on. Protect yourself, be more cautious and less trusting and fight to walk away with your integrity Cos sadly our country needs video proof to protect it’s vulnerable women from unforeseen situations. And to my family who have to deal with this mess circulating around social media, u know the kind of daughter u raised and I displayed what you raised me to be, which is a strong no nonsense individual, I am sorry u had to see it. Stay blessed. “

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