Afro Media Network, the new online digital hub in Sierra Leone

Freetown | 2nd August 2020 | Vertex Media

Afro Media Network is a new digital media platform with the utmost interest to use the digital space to promote contents ranging from entertainment (movies, music videos, comedy skits, fashion shows, etc), sports, reality and regular TV shows, news, current affairs and more. It is a one-stop-shop platform for shows, entertainment contents, sports, news, and a variety of social contents in Sierra Leone and beyond. It will bridge the gap between traditional TV and online TV.

Afro Media Network is fast becoming the biggest Sierra Leonean online TV channel for media contents promotion, with regular production and broadcasting of contents on a daily basis. In less than 3 months, the Afro Media Network online community has grown big in a faster pace, and it continues to attract wider and bigger audiences day by day.

Humu Koroma, CEO and founder of Afro Media Network

This amazing channel was founded by US-base Sierra Leonean woman Humu Osainatu Abiodun Koroma, in May 2020, but was later launched on the 13th June 2020.

The channel serves as a hub to promote and broadcast good Sierra Leonean contents. For instance, people with good media contents or shows can get them broadcast on the Afro Media Network online channel. This full content online TV is available on Facebook, YouTube and Instagram.

The channel operates like a regular TV channel, produces programs like news, entertainment, sports, current affairs and more.

Currently, the channel run great shows like the Salone Finest Show, Top 10 Video Countdown, Interviews and Talkshows, Cooking Show, Mental Health show, Praise and worship shows, and more. There are also huge commercial opportunities and space for advertisers and marketers to run their products, services and brands on the channel and reach their existing and potential clients online.

The aim is to have a single online platform where most of the great contents can be shown to a wider audience. All contents broadcast on this channel are credible, balanced and unbiased, as the aim is to showcase the good aspects of Sierra Leone to the outside world.

Many online hosts are being invited on several occasions to host shows on the channel. The approach is unique and unprecedented.

Omar Koroma, member of Afro Media Network

The CEO of Afro Media Network, Humu Koroma has a dedicated team of young professionals, including Omar Korleone Koroma – a partner and digital engineer, and owner of 232connect. Omar has been the backbone behind the magnificent and beautiful production on the TV. Other team members and partners include Gabriel Macavoray and Mohamed Menjor Mansaray.

The management of Afro Media Network is encouraging contents creators, entertainers and other media outlets to share their contents or materials to be broadcast on the Afro Media Network online TV – operational on Facebook, YouTube and Instagram, so that these contents can reach more people online. In future, contents creators can get paid for their work, thereby creating a good business relationship.

It is the intention of the CEO and founder of Afro Media Network to have a full blown channel on national TV and also on Netflix in thenear future. An app will also available, where one can subscribe to the channel.

Afro Media Network has also done a couple of donations and bonanza to its numerous followers back home in Sierra Leone.

More and more opportunities are envisaged to be brought to Sierra Leoneans by Afro Media Network through the digital space.

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